Just Do Something - 12 Days Challenge
Just do something - 12 days challenge
Most of the nation is on lockdown from the outside world. To help keep fit at home here is a 12 days challenge with no equipment needed. To inspire yourself from home, wear your workout clothes, put on some gym music (www.soundcloud.com) and video call a work out buddy to get your routine started. From my FabFinance Tonya - set yourself a SITA goal where you can have one accountable person hold you responsible for your exercise plan.
This is a general recommendation - speak to your doctor and personal trainer before you start your exercise plan.
Day 1 - 60 seconds Plank
Day 2 - Push ups
Beginner vs. Advanced
Day 3 - 60 seconds wall-sits
Day 4 - 40 Squats
Day 5 - Burpees
Day 6 - 10,000 Steps or 5 miles walking
Day 7- Mountain Climbers
Day 8 - Push-ups
Day 9 - 11,000 Steps
Day 10 - 10 minutes of running stairs
Day 11 - 60 seconds Calf raises
Day 12 Star Jumps or Jumping Jacks
In conclusion, its best to pick out your favorite exercise and find ways to enjoy your workout. There are lots of apps that help with creating a personal plan . I currently use a daily plan with the ''Splits in 30 days app'' it has given me more time for stretching, and less time for stressing.
Stay fit and healthy. #Livepraylove
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