Clutter - we all have it in our homes. It could be drawer, a room, under the bed, a space or even the whole house. Did you know clutter actually cause stress? A lot of people would agree and the next question comes. Where do i start from and how can i maintain a clean space constantly. Think of brain - it is organised in such a way that you can retrieve most information if given the right clues. Your home space should be a haven of relaxation and enjoyment. Why do you think we enjoy staying in hotels so much - or now AirBnBs . It is because the space is clean, tidy and organised. Your home can be similar to living in a hotel. Tips to achieve a clutter free space; TIME Dedicate at least 15 minutes a day to clean out a draw, space or corner (light cleaning). Make it fun and play some music while cleaning, makes all the difference. Dedicate about 2 hours a week to deep clean or hire a cleaner once a month. Did you know you waste alot of precious time looki...