Keep little ones inspired

As the lock down measures has been lifted gradually, some children are back to school while some are still home schooling. It can be quite difficult to keep children inspired and not bored. Let's face it, even the best toys, best outdoor gadgets and video games gets boring after so many sessions. 

Be flexible

As a parent, sticking to a routine is great but including spontaneous activities can make things a bit more interesting and fun for your little ones.  

Sports on TV

Running out of shows to play on TV? Try watching basketball, tennis, football and lots of previous national games together and talk about the players and the sports. You might just ignite a new interest in your child. Sports will also keep them moving, my girls love watching gymnastics and ice skating.


This can get very messy but lots of fun and children spend hours on it. If you find out all your play-doh has dried out, try making fondants for cake or using mud. Toddlers love messy art and can play with it for hours. This is also building their occupational skills. Knitting, sewing and making things out of plastic can be fun and creative ways to engage your toddlers. i have tried using pasta, cereal and old boxes for arts, it has been so much fun creating together. 

Another fun arts is to have a drawing challenge, pick an item around the house or outside and see who comes up with the best drawing.

Available Resources

 When lockdown started in March, there was an overwhelming resource of website available for kids and it was difficult finding which one works for my little one. 

I eventually found that BBC Bitesize DailyOwl Academy, TAB time on YouTube and Khan Academy have the best schedule for my toddlers. Check out Indescribable  a great book that talks about Science and God. 

I usually start out with post-it notes listing; maths, reading, writing (spelling), science (technology), history, exercise, bible study and arts and the little ones get to pick which one comes next. This keeps them engaged and inspired. 

As a parent it's important to encourage the children to learn and figure things out by themselves with the necessary guidance to build the desired logic - problem solving. Children learn by what they see, hear and practise make perfect. 


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