Welcome to the new norm

The lockdown measures have eased worldwide and everyone is beginning to socialize again.
As we gradually move into a new phase in this weird year 2020, here are some things to remember.
We are humans and we experience situations in different ways. Let's remember to be sensitive to people that may have lost a loved one, a job, a business or facing a major health crisis. It might not be physically obvious to some people, just remember that whatever this season means to you - the world has changed. 

Don't wait for the pandemic to be over, start to build and do the things that you want to do. Life lessons to be learnt is that life is short. We were created and still alive for a reason, find that reason and live in it. A great book by former first lady Michelle Obama "Becoming" has been trending for weeks and i recommend this as a great read. 

Welcome to the new norm, lots of online shopping, digital learning, remote working and virtual doctor visits. Whatever the case, endurance is key and we hope for the best during this season.
There are new businesses, ideas and opportunities to explore. Do not be stuck in your old, traditional way- leave room to evolve into the norm.

Leave a comment with your contributions or any tips that can help all our Random Readers out there.

Thank you for your time. 


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