Roll and Control It
I like to be in control sometimes. Like most mum we try to control our schedules, time, space and lot of other tasks. The fact is, we can't control everything that happens to us. We can't control the color of our skin, winning team in a football match , place of birth, parents and so many aspects of our lives. One thing we can control is 'How we respond to what happens to us', and this is what counts! We need to stop worrying about things we can't control and start focusing our energy and time on the things we can.
What can we control?
We can control our attitudes, choices, and our responses to whatever happens in a crazy and out of control world that we live in.
What can we not control
We have no control over the comment made by Eve on your social media page.
We have no control over the color of our skin or texture of our natural hair.
We have no control over the way people choose to treat us.
We have no control over what Donald Trump will post next on twitter. I just had to pitch this one in...
But we can control our response and attitudes towards the output from the world.
For example, a rude comment can be ignored. Yes it is painful and hurtful, but when someone makes a comment about you that is false why respond and give them the attention they are obviously seeking. If you feel the need to respond, give it a delayed response, breathe, think about what you want to text, say it out loud and if it will bring more hurtful words to you just ignore.
A paradigm shift helps us to control our attitude. For example, a lady was taking a long walk in the city and stopped by a coffee shop to get some snacks. She hurriedly finished her snacks and continued walking. After a little while, she noticed someone was following her. She took her headphones off and started to walk really fast. She was so scared and decided to stop, the man came around and handed her a £10 she had dropped while walking off the road.
Sometimes our perspective could change when we understand both sides of the story. That is why i love watching the show 'Iyanla fix my life'. She knows how to bring out the truth out of complicated family relationships and provide strategies to build and heal relationships. Not everyone agree with her ways of resolving issues, but let us give her credit cause human relationships are the cause of the major problems we face in the world.