
The Pull Over

My first experience with the police was as a teenager. I was driving in Dallas Texas on the way to the shops and got pulled over for speeding. I calmly responded to the cop, answered his questions and showed the necessary documents. He wrote me a ticket for speeding and that was it. I paid the ticket off and several more speeding tickets came later on. Everyone's first experience with the police is different. As humans we tend to react differently to people in authority. A coloured person might have a different reaction, due to the historic issue of slavery, culture, or family history.  I was part of a conference call, and the keynote speaker is a lawyer and pastor in London. It was an insightful discussion and just a few key points to remember.  Pull Over  The police can pull you over at anytime, adhere and pull over when it's safe to do so.  Stay calm and remember to keep our hands visible.  Be polite and respectful.  If you are asked for a breath test, comply with the police

The Virtual World

Virtual classroom  Virtual Sports Virtual date nights Virtual meetings Virtual funerals  Virtual weddings, birthday and celebrations ...the list goes on and on.  Don't limit yourself from living due to the effects of the pandemics. Embrace the new norm and adjust your routines to include the use of technology. Stay connected to families and your community using technology at its best. 

Keep little ones inspired

As the lock down measures has been lifted gradually, some children are back to school while some are still home schooling. It can be quite difficult to keep children inspired and not bored. Let's face it, even the best toys, best outdoor gadgets and video games gets boring after so many sessions.  Be flexible As a parent, sticking to a routine is great but including spontaneous activities can make things a bit more interesting and fun for your little ones.   Sports on TV Running out of shows to play on TV? Try watching basketball, tennis, football and lots of previous national games together and talk about the players and the sports. You might just ignite a new interest in your child. Sports will also keep them moving, my girls love watching gymnastics and ice skating.   Arts This can get very messy but lots of fun and children spend hours on it. If you find out all your play-doh has dried out, try making fondants for cake or using mud. Toddlers love messy art and can

Welcome to the new norm

The lockdown measures have eased worldwide and everyone is beginning to socialize again. As we gradually move into a new phase in this weird year 2020, here are some things to remember. We are humans and we experience situations in different ways. Let's remember to be sensitive to people that may have lost a loved one, a job, a business or facing a major health crisis. It might not be physically obvious to some people, just remember that whatever this season means to you - the world has changed.  Don't wait for the pandemic to be over, start to build and do the things that you want to do. Life lessons to be learnt is that life is short. We were created and still alive for a reason, find that reason and live in it. A great book by former first lady Michelle Obama " Becoming " has been trending for weeks and i recommend this as a great read.  Welcome to the new norm, lots of online shopping, digital learning, remote working and virtual doctor visits. Whatever the case,

Why I Up-cycle and Re-cycle.

Why I up-cycle and recycle.     The new fad lifestyle is being vegetarian; I wonder what the world would look like if we all pick up a new fad of up-cycling all out old stuff?   Did you know that 8.3 billion plastics produced since the 1950s only 9% of these have been re-cycled?   The most beautiful aspect of our natural world that suffers from this mass production of plastic is the beach. The beach is therapeutic, calming, and still a source of energy for every surfer. The best holiday destinations usually come with access to the beach and I just love how far, wide and beautiful it is. Back to the recycling bit.   The biggest pollutants at the beach are cigarette butts, bottles, bottle caps, food wrappers, grocery bags, and polystyrene containers (plastic nags).   Reasons to recycle   -        Plastic kills a lot of sea animals -        Endangers human lives because we ingest micro-plastics by using it as a dish and even in the air we breathe -        Protect the ecosystem and wildlif

How to keep safe while shopping

   The lockdown has been eased and we still need to stay alert. Here are some tips as mentioned on BBC about keeping yourself and others safe while shopping.   1.      Shop alone if possible, the less people in shops the better for everyone. 2.      Stay 2 meters away from people if possible, if not due to size of shop cover your face or wear facemask. 3.       Look for the new signs, arrows on the floor to help navigate the shops in a seamless way to avoid crowing an aisle. 4.       Avoid touching things you are going to buy, if not possible use a glove. 5.       In addition to your wallet, make sure facemask and gloves are part of your daily contents in your car, shopping bag and bicycle. 6.       Pay with contactless always. 7.       Exercise more patience, everyone is getting used to the new norm and checkout process may be longer than usual. In conclusion, we know things are going to be different and we all miss those days were going shopping can be therapeutic. It can be diffic

First Impressions

What is the first thing you notice when you see someone for the first time. Do you look into their eyes, stare at their face, or check out their body from head to toe like i do sometimes? First impression is the most important aspect of networking and meeting up with folks in a professional setting.  Did you know that first impressions are lasting? Did you know that any information about a person, from their physical appearance to their non-verbal and verbal behaviors- has been shown to last for months?. In this current digital age and dealing with the correct pandemic - our digital impression could be our voice, tone, email or chat message. All your information on the internet could even act as a first impression.  Have you googled your name recently? Research yourself and find out the kind of information the world wide web holds about you.  Hiring firms do this as part of their research for potential candidates.  Build up your linkedin, facebook, Instagram to brand yourself. A psycho