
Why should i start jogging?

Joggers live longer   Jogging regularly could add about six years to your life, a new Danish study suggests. In the research conducted,    1,116 male joggers and 762 women joggers  were asked about their jogging routine, including how fast and how long they jogged weekly. In the follow-up period of up to 35 years, the study found that 10,158 non-joggers and 122 joggers died. The researchers noted there was a 44 percent drop in the risk of death for male and female joggers. The researchers found that male joggers can extend their life by 6.2 years, and women by 5.6 years.  Jogging at a slow pace for one to two and a half hours weekly provided the most significant benefits. You should aim to feel a little breathless, but not very breathless," said Schnohr. "The relationship appears much like alcohol intakes. Mortality is lower ...

Silent Stress Source (SSS)

Sound Creep Symptom:  You wonder if the world is getting louder or you're just getting crankier. Causes:  "Researchers have found one of the reasons we feel so negatively affected by noise today is that it's become nearly impossible to escape the din," says George Prochnik, author of  In Pursuit of Silence: Listening for Meaning in a World of Noise . We listen to televisions with surround sound and talk on mobile phones when walking. Even our nights are noisier: Since 1973, when Federal Express launched expedited delivery, planes have zoomed overhead even in the wee hours. Last year, the World Health Organization estimated that at least 1 million years of healthy living are lost each year due to noise pollution. Treatment:  Prochnik recommends a "sound diet" in which you balance annoying noise with silent breaks or healthier sounds. For instance, urban designers in Europe have found that water fountains can make people feel more tranquil. Resist the urge...