2020 year in review (let it go)

In my own opinion, the best book in the world (The Bible) has the best insight about Worry. Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you (1 Peter 5:7). As the year 2020 ends , we reflect on all that has happened from january until now. We all started the new year hopeful and full of lots of dreams. This year started out with lots of wild fire happening in Australia. I remember people were scared cause all the ice was melting and this raised a lot of concerns in regard to global warming and the every changing climate. Then it happened that Corona virus spread in China - it went from being an epidemic to a pandemic. This affected the health care sector, market crashed and the lockdown of countries began. The most affected markets during the lockdown was hotels, resorts, cruise ships, casinos, airlines, entertainment and live events. Then we had the lockdown life - everyone panicked about the limited supply of tissue paper, PPE, hands sanitizer and food. But the ...